Gracefully Step into Your Power

Create Joy, Love And Abundance At any Age!

Gracefully Step into Your Power, is my signature program for single, married or divorced women, women who want to redesign their life, women who want a shift from their past. It is for women who want to feel confident, vibrant and energized at any age.

My programs and my coaching process is for women who have a burning desire to grow and expand, increase self-awareness, confidence and create a shift so they can experience life to the fullest, or brake the glass ceiling and make more money. It is never too late!

Gracefully Step into Your Power is for young WOMEN, just exploring dating or getting married, wanting to learn the skills to create lasting love. You are juggling career and your young marriage, or you are dealing with being overworked and underpaid, unhappy with your current pay.

It is just as much for WOMEN over 50, 60 or 70 plus, women who want to create the next phase in their life. In midlife a woman may want to recreate love and connection with her man, she may want a career change, make more money, see the world or find her purpose and her mission. She may be ready to find her life partner.

Imagine, You Could…

• Feel confident, abundant, and charismatic at any age!

• Feel successful, fulfilled and happy no matter what!

Feel heard, seen, acknowledged and accepted at work and at home!

• Have the communication tools and skills to resolve issues quickly!

• Set healthy boundaries to get the respect, stability and bond you want!

• Feel deep, passionate and intimate connection with your man!

If this is what you want, you are in the right place here!

Single, married or divorced, to feel empowered, confident, happy and emotionally free, basic self-awareness and relationship skills are a must. I have figured it out and promise you, these skills are easy to learn.

I learned the hard way…

What I did not learn until I was divorced is ‘speaking my needs’. This had a huge impact on me and my marriage of 33 years - In fact it cost me my marriage. An executive, a wife, and mother of 3 sons, I wanted to do it all, feel loved, acknowledged and successful. Being on my mission, I drifted into a deep midlife crisis, being exhausted and totally in denial about it. Can you relate to that?

Frustrated and helpless, I blamed my husband for not knowing what I truly needed. If he loved me he would know! Resentful and angry I left a good man and I did leave behind chaos. Therapy did not help us uncover the real cause of this breakdown.

It does not have to be that way!

I am telling you, you do not have to leave your marriage to get what you need and desire, to feel fulfilled and happy. You may just be missing the tools to speak your needs and wants.

“Little did I know that I was simply lacking the skills and the wisdom to create and maintain a relationship that would last beyond midlife. A burnout or a breakdown was inevitable. There was nothing wrong with him nor with me.”

Divorce is the 2nd most stressful experience in life right after a loss of a loved one. Changing jobs is the 3rd most stressful experience in life.

Midlife - A Time For Change!

Some women 50, 60, 70 and beyond want change, they want growth and expansion. If a women thinks she cannot get that inside her marriage, she might think she has to leave her marriage to fulfill on her dreams. She is on a mission and her time has come. If she does not know how to speak her needs ‘gracefully’ she will let her partner know when angry or upset. She may think that this marriage is no longer working. This is a really painful moment. Another woman may suffer silently, build resentment against her man and blame him for her misery, her loneliness, and her unfulfilled life. Midlife can create uncertainty for women.

Is This You?

  • You desperately want to catch up on the life you think you missed.

  • You have difficulty expressing your basic needs and wants.

  • You are feeling empty, tired and worn out and you want change.

  • You are feeling unheard and unappreciated and that really hurts.

  • You are lonely and sad missing deep intimacy and connection.

  • You are feeling helpless and powerless thinking you should have more.

  • You are missing being in a relationship, being with a man.

I invite you to Work with me…

Women who work with me transform their lives from the inside out.

A confident woman knows who she is. She knows her values, her deepest needs and wants, and she has the confidence to claim those needs graciously, anywhere in life. She does not loose her energy in complaining or nagging. She clearly and elegantly stands in her values, her grace and her power.

This is the kind of freedom that leaves her joyful, vibrant and radiant. She is feminine and charismatic. From this level of certainty, she can impact, strengthen, and elevate her marriage or relationship! There are no limitations!

I am here to empower you

I am your coach and I am here to guide you. My name is Sylvia Stauffer Neff, Empowerment & Leadership Coach, Relationship Expert. I coach and train WOMEN to be FEMININE leaders in their career, their relationship and in their life. My training offers you a deep exploration into self-awareness and communication and as a result you will feel confident, magnetic and charismatic.

I take women from SCARCITY to THRIVING, from VICTIM to WINNING. Women who work with me are empowered to communicate their needs authentically. Women have found their calling, they have reclaimed their power and feel no need to leave their marriage. They feel worthy to take the steps to fulfill on their dreams no matter what age they are. They have the tools and the wisdom to revive a mature relationship and reignite deep connection and intimacy.

In our work together you will uncover your core values, your deepest needs, wants, dreams and desires, your gifts and talents, as well as your weaknesses. You will know who you are and what you need to be happy and fully self-expressed.

Here is how you can work with me.

It takes 3 to 6 months of weekly sessions with me to shift your life to freedom, joy and empowerment. We speak over Zoom, or a phone line, right from the comfort and the privacy of your home. We can meet locally, in the Aspen, Colorado area.

My personal coaching process is efficient and effective, and is designed to teach and coach you step by step. 

Here is what you will get…

Inside our private relationship coaching commitment you will receive unique support to your very specific needs that you may have. You will also get my step by step training that I teach in my program ‘Dare to be YOU’,‘Gracefully Speak your Needs’ and ‘Gracefully Step into Your Power’. You will receive specific tools that help you manage breakdowns or catch them before they happen.

In this personalized life changing empowerment and relationship coaching process you will uncover the underlying reasons of your relationship or life struggles. You will learn skills and get tools to specifically address your personal coaching needs.

You will receive 9 private coaching Zoom calls or personal meetings, each consisting of 60 minutes.

You will receive email support up to one hour of my time.

You will receive my proprietary self-discovery and communication lessons covered in the process.

You will speak weekly and you will complete the 9 sessions inside a 4 months window.

I am excited to support you.

Gracefully Step into Your Power!

One Payment of $1,997

3 Payments of $729